Wah dapet tag lagi, ya wes deh, karena gua orangnya baek, gua kerjain deh hahaha... (mudah2n ini yang terakhir, hihi..)
1. At what age do you wish to marry?
Wah, pas ultah kemaren ini yang paling banyak ditanya dan didoain, halah.. hehehe.. Lebih cepet lebih baiklah (sekarang seh ud 25 taon) jadi cepetnya umur berapa ya..?? hehe...
2. If u can turn into anything, what do you wish u can turn into?
3. If u were stranded on desert island, who are 3 blog buddiest u would take with u?
- Tha, dia yang ngajak aku untuk ngeblog, good n nice girl..
- Susan, dia baek banget n uda ku anggap cece sndiri.. suka banget nyuruh beri comment, hihi..
- Ferdz, my best guy in my cell group...
* pingin juga bawa yang lain, asyik banget semuanya.. :D
4. Where is the place you want to go most? Semuanya deh, yang penting bisa dinikmati, hihihi....
5. If you have one dream to come true, what would it be?
Punya komsel yang saangggaaattttt besaarrrrrrrrrrr. Bahkan ampe di seluruh duniaaa...... :))
6. Who is in your mind right now?
Yosef, mau pinjamin program habis ini, Ce Susan yang lagi chat, hihihih.......
7. What are you affraid to lose the most right now?
Gak ada yang perlu ditakutin ya... Tuhan selalu beri yang terbaikkk... :D
8. Do you want your first girl a girl or a boy? why?
Sama aja deh, tapi kalo cewek boleh juga deh.... why? i dont know... :D
9. If you meet someone u love, will u confess to him/her?
Yaa..... tapi pertama-tama dalam hati n let it flowww,, hihihi.....
10. List out three good things the person who tagged you
- Baek
- Cantik
- Maniez
11. What colour do you like? why?
Suka berubah-ubah, tergantung warna untuk apa.... yang paling sering, coklat muda, hijau muda, biru muda, dll :D
12. What type of person do you hate the most?
Gak boleh benci........ hehehe.....
13. What would you do if u won a million dollar?
i will make it to be 1 billion dollar, hauhahahaha......10000x
14. What is your ambition?
sama dengan no. 5.
15. What you wanna be after you're dead?
Duduk di pangkuan BApa di surga... :)
16. If u have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
17. What would you most achieve right now?
Be closer to God!!!!
18. What do you think the most important thing in your life?
19. If there's one thing in your life you want to do but yet unable to, what would it be?
Apa yah.... semua sedang proses menurut aku.... hihihi..
20. Among all the question asked, which one do you like most?
Sama aja yang pastinya jawaban yang paling pendek.. ehehehe.....
Selesaiiii.. tugasku uda kelarrrr... tinggal tunggu komen dari yang ngasi tag, awas aja kalo gakk!!!!! hehehehe.... ngancam.com Tagnya ampe disini aja ya,gak tau mau kasi sapa, hehhe.. GBU....
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